The movie used heavily dramatic orchestral music to create the desperate, dangerous and beautiful atmospheres that were created.
Due to my current unit I was more interested in the environment, which is what this review will be based upon.
The town was enclosed, incredibly tall buildings lined everywhere reaching for the sky.
By having the buildings so tall it minimized the importance of the humans living within it. Later told in the movie is babel which may possibly be a hint as to why the buildings in metropolis are as big as they are. "Come let us build worlds tallest buildings to show the greatest creation is man!"
In the scene where Freder went to a kind of garden where people frolicked, due to the great masses of trees, fountains, bushes and vines, it appeared like they were free, it was hard to see beyond the greenery which gave the impression that compared to the main city where its difficult to see the sky, you where surrounded by this lovely unshackled forest.
However, when you do get a glimpse beyond the trees you see a grey wall, slightly destroying the freedom aspect, bringing you back to the realisation that no matter where you go in metropolis you are never free, there are always walls to keep you in.
When we see the inside of Jon Frederson's place of work all the doors were gigantic compared to the tiny humans in scale. The windows and floor space were also incredibly spacious. The movie tended to look out at the entire city on a regular basis, each time it did it was like a constant reminder of how grand the city was and how unimportant the people are. You can't see the floor, its like another that low down is no where near as important in comparison.
Freedom was a constant factor in this movie, as the people "behind the scenes" of the great city, "slaves" where forced to maintain the city in a very bound way. We first saw this when Freder went behind the scenes of the city he'd never seen due to how privileged he was because he
"wanted to look at the forces of my brothers and sisters".
When we saw them working they moved almost like automatons.
The son had never seen the 'true kingdom', which was just covered by machines there was no inner beauty.
There was interesting scene where metropolis had a prince and pauper scene. Freder still in the depths of the city exchanged clothes with a worker, traded lives.
However due to the massive difference in their lives the original pauper man went a little haywire with the instant richess.
Inside the holding area for machines there was no sunlight, to even get there they had to walk through a tunnel which almost makes them seem like rats.
I noticed when freder's father had sent a man to track him, he resembled the city, tall, dark, and unwelcoming.
We see a kind of "sanctuary" for the works in the depth where the woman of freder's desire lies.
The entrance to the place is ruff, steps are uneven, floor is dirt/muddy/dusty. Area looks like a kind of ancient burial where dead bodies where stored in gaps in the wall.
However where she preached the steps leading up to the altar were well made, there was lights behind her.
Near the end of the movie when the lead woman leads the children to safety/ the robot leads the rich to view the poor die, she wears light grey compared to everyone else who wears dark coloured clothes. Which as an optical subliminal message, the eye is drawn to the lighter colours, which identifies the importance of the character(s).
She talks about a mediator bringing the brian and the hands together, which can only be done becuase of the heart.
This does slightly resemble the cit y itself. The taller more noticed buildings which the rich folk can be known as the brain due to how high there are, and the workers as the hands on account that they aren't blinded by richess, and objects and assuming they are the nicer of the two. But the two never collided because there was no heart, no mediator to bring the two together.
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