May of thought too much about this...

Ok so the title of the book is the first 'Men in the moon'...

How can there be men in the moon? Don't they mean men on the moon? you can't get inside the moon...
By men do they mean alien, if so do they think they spawn from inside the moon, which can't be possible because its solid all the way around.... Was it just a big typo?

What did they mean ........


  1. HG Wells meant 'in' the moon! I'm sure once you read the texts, and maybe a synopsis, it will start to make sense! :)

  2. Lyn-Dae... you know, sometimes, students make me CRAZY! Jackie's absolutely right - a little bit of research into your author/book/adaptations etc. (as requested by me of you at the briefing etc.) would very soon resolve your confusion. I'm not having a go, I just get tired of repeating myself - research is the start point for every project you'll ever do! Immerse yourself in research - answer your own questions - be independent - be amazing! :-)


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