Completed Character Tutorial

After talking to Alan (/Phil) I noticed some important things about myself that I didn't pay much attention too, which is present in some of my tut work... So this work will be the last of running before one can walk~

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lyn-Dae,

    You got some 'tough love' and some nuanced 'long-term' feedback from me post Retrofest - all coming from a desire to see you push past some old habits and open up your full potential as a disciplined, technically-proficient and genuinely 'open' creative. As I said, you're going to accomplish great things, I'm certain of it.


    Yes, it's that time of year again - 'Survey Season' - be constructive, be honest and give your responses some thought before publishing. Complete the ISS survey for me, and then leave a 'done it' confirmation on the blog post below. Many thanks in advance :)


Important Criticism