Preparing Presentation Storyboard 5 out of 63


  1. Are you actually going to colour in every frame?? That's going to take A lot of time.. :S

  2. Yes it will and yes I am, tomorrow (or later today) my entire will be filled with colouring in, and writing my essay -_-

  3. Wow.. Good luck with that! I am sure it is going to look awesome :)

  4. Lyn Dae I don't know if you read the response that Phil wrote, but he said the presented story should clearly communicate what the final outcome would be. So the reason where there was not entire storyboards in the Art Of examples we looked at yesterday was because they cut down the boards enough so that the Cilent could get a sense of what is to come. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME DOING EVERY FRAME LYN DAE!! Select a few to communicate the story!!!!!!!!!!!!! or your wasting vitial time!

  5. Hey Lyn-Dae - Progress with confidence! At the heart of my advice was simply this: do whatever it takes to ensure your client 'gets' your world!

  6. Hi Lyn dae thanks for your comment, you also seem to be pushing forward storyboard looks great so far can't wait to see it finished :)

  7. @Alex, I see what you mean, I could probably skip a few that only show a little change, that way it will even up the load. I'll definitely do That, key frames are the most important ones.

    @Phil, Ok, I will make the selected frames clear and understandable.

    @Adam& Andrianna, Thanks you two, but I think I am going to Heed Alex's words and only do the important frames, and I'll fill in the gaps with speech~

  8. My advise and something i learnt this year, dont colour or waste to much time in the intial storyboards. because your client will change it surely. one thing to make it presentable maybe colour the key frames the storytelling drawings.

    or use any concept art you made to get establishing shots (if you did them).

    One important thing: client wants communicative not pretty.

  9. Thanks, I originally thought it was suppose to pretty more than functional but I'll change that (still pretty but more practical).

    Alex told me a similar thing about only doing key parts. Choosing a few frame that explain each part of the 3 act structure well~


Important Criticism